Locking default application
Want to Locking default application?
Don't want everybody read your SMS?
Then just Lock Messaging Application, here is the way....
1) Open 3rd Party Application like Fexlporer, x-plore...
2) Go to Z/System/Apps/mce
3) Mark two files of mce.aif and mce.app
4) Press Option -> Edit -> Copy
5) Then go into X/System/Apps/ (X stands for either C or E)
6) Create a folder with name "Locked"
7) Paste the two files in that folder
8) Rename mce.aif into Locked.aif
9) And mce.app to Locked.app
9) After that, wait for 5 seconds and then try to open messaging application.
10) You should see the Messaging can't be opened
11) You're finished now.